Come Join Our VIP Boudoir Group

I get a number of questions about our VIP Boudoir Group, so I thought I’d take a quick second to give you the run down. Our VIP Boudoir Group is simply a private womxn’s only group (a club if you will) that consists of our current, past, and future boudoir clients, as well as womxn who just want a positive space to be in community with other womxn. It’s a safe space for you to ask questions, be vulnerable, share inspirational images or stories, to collaborate and bond with other womxn on their self love journey.

Eclipse Boudoir’s VIP Babes

When permission is granted, I’ll post a handful of images from our sessions for others to see in this VIP group, as well as behind the scenes clips. The best part is that this turns into a positivity fest in the comments section on each image! I’ll also use this group to post upcoming mini session dates, Boudie Calls, Flash Sales, and to get feedback on new ideas for our studio regarding locations, props, new products, and even editing styles. We also go live to chat with the group members!

Our VIP Boudoir is completely is free — I only ask that you bring your best attitude to lean into the atmosphere of lifting other womxn up and having a great time! Click the link and answer the questions to join the group!

Eclipse Boudoir’s VIP Babes


Top 10 Reasons Our Clients Choose to Do a Boudoir Session


FAQ: Why Do You Charge So Much for Photography?