Our 6 Top Tips for an Amazing Boudoir Session

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  1. Stretch Before your Session.

    You won't be lounging around while we snap cute photos. You will be working hard to get those sexy images. Most of the images we get are because you're making exaggerated and awkward poses with your body.

    You're going to be arching like you've never arched before and popping your hips and booty out!

    So, stretching before and after your session will go a long way. Believe me, a good stretch will help prevent you from being too sore the next day.

    The more limber you are, the better shape you'll be in for your boudoir shoot.

  2. Drink Tons of Water.

    Drinking lots of water equals hydrated-looking skin and lips.

    It's that simple. To get that radiant and glowing skin, make sure to double up your water intake a week before your scheduled shoot.

    Trust me, that badass body of yours will reward you with beautiful and hydrated-looking skin.

  3. Exfoliate and Moisturize Your Skin.

    Again with the skin, lots of it is going to be showing. So why not make it look its best?!

    On the day of your session, do some light exfoliation and make sure to use a good quality lotion or cream. Please don't use oil, as it can stain our furniture. We do have dry oil and lotion in the studio you can use.

    And don't let any skin imperfections deter you from having a shoot with us. We definitely re-touch and smooth skin out.

  4. Get a Mani + Pedi.

    Now, hear me out on this one. Getting a professional manicure and pedicure from a salon isn't at all necessary! BUT do not come with your nails dirty or jagged from biting.

    You are more than welcome to get some extra pampering with a professional mani + pedi, or even go wild and get long fake nails if that's your jam!

    But at the very least, remove any old peeling nail polish, clean under your nails, and file them. Neat nails are best for your images.

  5. Have Your Outfits Ready.

    If you decide to purchase outfits/lingerie to wear during your session, make sure you order them well in advance. So you'll have plenty of time to make sure they fit and re-order if they don't.

    For any outfits/lingerie that you're thinking of bringing, try them on. And then try them on again closer to your session date to make sure they still fit.

    If you're not going to bring any of your own outfits and will only wear things from the client closet, make sure to bring a nude thong to wear underneath.

    And I mean a true nude to your skin color. So if your skin is brown, don't bring a beige thong. Try Walmart.com and Skims.com for a wide range of skin tone colored underwear.

  6. COME with an Open Mind and Positive Attitude.

    Ladies, this is the most important tip!

    Actually, come to your session! I know it's tempting to try and talk yourself out of coming the morning of your session, but don't do it.

    It's scary for almost every womxn we work with, but that's OK, do it anyway!

    You'll be so glad you did! Come with an open mind and an open heart, and come expecting to have fun, because you will!


Our Mission: Why We Do What We Do


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